May 2 Local Council Elections

On Thursday 2nd May, Worthing will be choosing Councillors in every Ward in the Borough. Find your Green Candidate here.

Last year, Claire Hunt was elected in Goring and has proved to be a superb representative. Ian Davey is standing to join her in Goring. Can you help on the day? Volunteers wanted in Goring. Get in touch if you can help in any way.

Let’s get more Greens on the Council!

Your vote counts!

It builds momentum for future elections.

Voting for the party you believe in, even if they might not win this time, means that in the next election they might be in contention to win the seat.

Demonstrates that those issues matter to the electorate

Even if that party doesn’t get in, you have shown that those policies are important to you, the voter, making it far more likely that they will be implemented


(REMEMBER TO TAKE PHOTO ID)Making Worthing fairer, greener, safer.

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