New Worthing Green Party Calendar and August events!

Worthing Green Party now have a Calendar online – please let our membership secretary, Constantine, know of any events of Green interest in Worthing or anywhere else that you would like to include (

In August:

Wednesday 7th at 7.30 A social gathering in the Mulberry Pub (see Calendar for details). All are welcome, especially those who have recently joined us. 

Saturday 10th at 10am Goring Gap Plantation litter pick (see Calendar for details)

Tuesday 13th at 6pm Compass Greens Zoom meeting (see Calendar for details)

Saturday 17th 10am-5pm Sight Support Worthing Open Day (see Calendar for details)

Our next Worthing Green Party meeting will be on Thursday September 12th, online. Details to follow.

We look forward to seeing you on the 7th!

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