Community Archives - Worthing Working hard all year round for Worthing. Wed, 16 Oct 2024 19:29:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Community Archives - Worthing 32 32 Two Motions from Worthing Greens and Worthing Independents Passed at Worthing Borough Council Wed, 16 Oct 2024 19:29:15 +0000 At the Worthing Borough Council meeting on 15 October, Worthing Green Councillors Claire Hunt and Ian Davey worked with Worthing Community Independents to put forward two important motions, both of which were agreed by the Council. The first was a motion on anti-racism (including against Islamophobia, antisemitism and Gypsy/Roma/Travellers), sanctuary and community cohesion, advanced by [...]

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At the Worthing Borough Council meeting on 15 October, Worthing Green Councillors Claire Hunt and Ian Davey worked with Worthing Community Independents to put forward two important motions, both of which were agreed by the Council.

The first was a motion on anti-racism (including against Islamophobia, antisemitism and Gypsy/Roma/Travellers), sanctuary and community cohesion, advanced by Green Councillor Claire Hunt. “We want Worthing to be a town that welcomes, includes and engages with our neighbours, wherever they are from, however long they’ve been here and however long they are staying.”

Claire said, “I am so pleased that our joint Worthing Greens and Worthing Independents motion on anti-racism (including against Islamophobia, antisemitism and Gypsy/Roma/Travellers), sanctuary and community cohesion was voted for unanimously at Worthing council last night.”

The second was a motion asking the government and MPs to reinstate the Winter Fuel Payment and abolish the two child benefit cap, proposed by Independent Councillor Carl Walker and seconded by Green Councillor Ian Davey.

Ian said, “I am delighted that Worthing Council agreed the motion from Worthing Independents and Worthing Greens asking the government and our MPS to reinstate the Winter Fuel Payment and to abolish the two child benefit cap.”

Worthing Greens are working hard all year round for real change in Worthing.

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Stand Up to Racism Wed, 16 Oct 2024 12:32:47 +0000 In August, one of Worthing Green Party’s Goring councillors, Claire Hunt, gave a speech at the Stand Up To Racism Vigil at the Town Hall. We are pleased to be able to share the text of that speech below. “Thanks for asking me to speak and to everyone who has come here tonight to stand [...]

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In August, one of Worthing Green Party’s Goring councillors, Claire Hunt, gave a speech at the Stand Up To Racism Vigil at the Town Hall. We are pleased to be able to share the text of that speech below.

“Thanks for asking me to speak and to everyone who has come here tonight to stand together and show that we reject racism, Islamophobia and hatred. We were all appalled that the far-right opportunistically used the shocking murders of three young girls in Southport to organise and target horrendous violence against Muslims and refugees so quickly and frighteningly, across the whole country. But just as quickly tens of thousands of people rose up and refused to be intimidated, to help protect and support communities facing those disgraceful attacks. And that overwhelmingly demonstrated that unity is more powerful than hate and it brought hope to everyone who had been feeling powerless or afraid.

But the threat hasn’t gone away. At the general election Reform with their anti-immigration position took over 7000 votes in both our Worthing constituencies. Their success everywhere makes the far-right bolder and Farage and his like keep on with their divisive and hateful rhetoric about small boats, homes for the English, two-tier policing, and other rubbish. And misinformation especially on social media is a very powerful force. So now the task of all of us here is to keep on countering those narratives and any attempts to spread fear and division in our communities. We need to tell different stories that celebrate and value diversity and inclusiveness and the enormous contribution to the social, cultural and community life of our country by migrants from all parts of the world, many of whom are Muslim.

In November 2021 Worthing Climate Action Network, SUTR and XR Worthing organised a candlelit vigil to honour the 27 people seeking sanctuary who drowned attempting to cross the Channel. This beautiful banner carries messages of solidarity and welcome from community groups and individuals in Worthing and calls for an end to violence targeted at refugees and for Safe and Legal Routes for asylum seekers. Anti-racism and immigration justice go hand-in-hand with climate justice, ever more so as people from the Global South, who are least responsible for climate breakdown, are forced to leave unliveable conditions and start a new life elsewhere. Ending racism has to be integral to our response to the climate and nature emergencies. We must create resilient communities that work together and want to support the most impacted. You are welcome to add your message to this banner tonight.

I’m one of two Green Party Worthing councillors and together with Worthing Community Independents, we’re going to bring a motion to Full Council in October to ask the council to commit to working with the community to send out a clear message, backed up with tangible actions, that our diverse communities are valued, we want them to feel safe and to hear their voices, and that we want Worthing to work towards becoming an anti-racist town and a Borough of Sanctuary where new arrivals feel safe and welcome. Currently 33% of all UK councils are in some way involved with the City of Sanctuary movement to create a culture of welcome, inclusion and empowerment, and we think Worthing should be one of them. We welcome input to shape the Motion from the amazing groups that have organised and support this evening and we hope you will come and support the debate and engage with the council in other ways to make your voices heard and show what you expect and want. In all our different ways and together let’s keep building a united movement to make our communities fairer, kinder and better for everyone.” 

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